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Parameterized ribs

Parameterized ribs are available since version 9.0 of the dummy. Four different settings for rib stiffness are available.


Setting 0 is the original rib of version 8.0.2. For settings 1 to 3 the ribs were modified to match the lower (setting 1), middle (setting 2) and upper (setting 3) bound of the rib certification tests. The certification tests for all four rib settings are shown below.


In the dummy model it is possible to assign different rib settings to each rib. There is one parameter available for each rib.

  • esuprib (ES-2) / eruprib (ES-2re)
  • esmidrib (ES-2) / ermidrib (ES-2re)
  • eslowrib (ES-2) / erlowrib (ES-2re)

In the dummy model it is possible to assign different rib settings to each rib. There is one parameter available for each rib.