Lumbar Spine Tests
The lumbar spine component is also validated by the use of a component test. Here the sacrum block with adapted lumbar load cell and the lumbar spine itself is mounted on a sled. On the lumbar spine, a mass body is mounted, which should represent the load on the lumbar spine from the torso of the WorldSID. The test setup is depicted in the following picture.
Lumbar spine component test setup
The sled is loaded by the use of two different pulses (20g triangular and 35g triangular) and the orientation of the lumbar spine is made for each pulse -- 90 and 60 degree. The test configurations are listed in the table below.
Test | Load Angle | Pulse |
1 | 90 degree | 20 g triangular pulse |
2 | 90 degree | 35 g triangular pulse |
3 | 60 degree | 20 g triangular pulse |
4 | 60 degree | 35 g triangular pulse |
Results of 90 degree, 20g configuration:
Mass body accelerations
Lumbar load cell forces and moments

Results of 90 degree, 35g configuration:

Mass body rotations
Results of 60 degree, 20g configuration:

Mass body rotations
Results of 60 degree, 35g configuration:

Lumbar load cell forces and moments
Mass body rotations